// Name: AjaxControlToolkit.Calendar.CalendarBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: 3.0.30930.28736 // FileVersion: 3.0.30930.0 // (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation. // This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License. // See http://www.microsoft.com/opensource/licenses.mspx#Ms-PL. // All other rights reserved. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Type.registerNamespace("AjaxControlToolkit"); AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior = function(element) { /// /// A behavior that attaches a calendar date selector to a textbox /// /// The element to attach to AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._textbox = AjaxControlToolkit.TextBoxWrapper.get_Wrapper(element); this._format = "d"; this._todaysDateFormat = "MMMM d, yyyy"; this._daysModeTitleFormat = "MMMM, yyyy"; this._cssClass = "ajax__calendar"; this._enabled = true; this._animated = true; this._buttonID = null; this._layoutRequested = 0; this._layoutSuspended = false; this._button = null; this._popupMouseDown = false; this._selectedDate = null; this._visibleDate = null; this._todaysDate = null; this._firstDayOfWeek = AjaxControlToolkit.FirstDayOfWeek.Default; this._firstPopUp = true; this._container = null; this._popupDiv = null; this._header = null; this._prevArrow = null; this._nextArrow = null; this._title = null; this._body = null; this._today = null; this._days = null; this._daysTable = null; this._daysTableHeader = null; this._daysTableHeaderRow = null; this._daysBody = null; this._months = null; this._monthsTable = null; this._monthsBody = null; this._years = null; this._yearsTable = null; this._yearsBody = null; this._popupPosition = AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.BottomLeft; this._defaultView = AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarDefaultView.Days; this._popupBehavior = null; this._modeChangeAnimation = null; this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation = null; this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation = null; this._mode = "days"; this._selectedDateChanging = false; this._isOpen = false; this._isAnimating = false; this._clearTime = false; this._width = 170; this._height = 139; this._modes = { "days": null, "months": null, "years": null }; this._modeOrder = { "days": 0, "months": 1, "years": 2 }; this._hourOffsetForDst = 12; // Hour value for calls to new Date(...) to avoid DST issues this._blur = new AjaxControlToolkit.DeferredOperation(1, this, this.blur); this._button$delegates = { click: Function.createDelegate(this, this._button_onclick), keypress: Function.createDelegate(this, this._button_onkeypress), blur: Function.createDelegate(this, this._button_onblur) } this._element$delegates = { change: Function.createDelegate(this, this._element_onchange), keypress: Function.createDelegate(this, this._element_onkeypress), click: Function.createDelegate(this, this._element_onclick), focus: Function.createDelegate(this, this._element_onfocus), blur: Function.createDelegate(this, this._element_onblur) } this._popup$delegates = { mousedown: Function.createDelegate(this, this._popup_onmousedown), mouseup: Function.createDelegate(this, this._popup_onmouseup), drag: Function.createDelegate(this, this._popup_onevent), dragstart: Function.createDelegate(this, this._popup_onevent), select: Function.createDelegate(this, this._popup_onevent) } this._cell$delegates = { mouseover: Function.createDelegate(this, this._cell_onmouseover), mouseout: Function.createDelegate(this, this._cell_onmouseout), click: Function.createDelegate(this, this._cell_onclick) } } AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior.prototype = { get_clearTime: function() { /// /// Whether time should be cleared in edited date/time /// /// return this._clearTime; }, set_clearTime: function(value) { if (this._clearTime != value) { this._clearTime = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("_clearTime"); } }, get_animated: function() { /// /// Whether changing modes is animated /// /// return this._animated; }, set_animated: function(value) { if (this._animated != value) { this._animated = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("animated"); } }, get_enabled: function() { /// /// Whether this behavior is available for the current element /// return this._enabled; }, set_enabled: function(value) { if (this._enabled != value) { this._enabled = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("enabled"); } }, get_button: function() { /// /// The button to use to show the calendar (optional) /// return this._button; }, set_button: function(value) { if (this._button != value) { if (this._button && this.get_isInitialized()) { $common.removeHandlers(this._button, this._button$delegates); } this._button = value; if (this._button && this.get_isInitialized()) { $addHandlers(this._button, this._button$delegates); } this.raisePropertyChanged("button"); } }, get_popupPosition: function() { /// /// Where the popup should be positioned relative to the target control. /// Can be BottomLeft (Default), BottomRight, TopLeft, TopRight. /// return this._popupPosition; }, set_popupPosition: function(value) { if (this._popupPosition != value) { this._popupPosition = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('popupPosition'); } }, get_format: function() { /// /// The format to use for the date value /// return this._format; }, set_format: function(value) { if (this._format != value) { this._format = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("format"); } }, get_todaysDateFormat: function() { /// /// The format to use for the todays date /// return this._todaysDateFormat; }, set_todaysDateFormat: function(value) { if (this._todaysDateFormat != value) { this._todaysDateFormat = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("todaysDateFormat"); } }, get_daysModeTitleFormat: function() { /// /// The format to use for the title when in days mode /// return this._daysModeTitleFormat; }, set_daysModeTitleFormat: function(value) { if (this._daysModeTitleFormat != value) { this._daysModeTitleFormat = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("daysModeTitleFormat"); } }, get_selectedDate: function() { /// /// The date value represented by the text box /// if (this._selectedDate == null) { var value = this._textbox.get_Value(); if (value) { value = this._parseTextValue(value); if (value) { this._selectedDate = value.getDateOnly(); } } } return this._selectedDate; }, set_selectedDate: function(value) { if (value && (String.isInstanceOfType(value)) && (value.length != 0)) { value = new Date(value); } if (value) value = value.getDateOnly(); if (this._selectedDate != value) { this._selectedDate = value; this._selectedDateChanging = true; var text = ""; if (value) { text = value.localeFormat(this._format); if (!this._clearTime) { var tbvalue = this._textbox.get_Value(); if (tbvalue) { tbvalue = this._parseTextValue(tbvalue); } if (tbvalue) { if (value != tbvalue.getDateOnly()) { text = value.add(tbvalue.getTimeOfDay()).localeFormat(this._format); } } } } if (text != this._textbox.get_Value()) { this._textbox.set_Value(text); this._fireChanged(); } this._selectedDateChanging = false; this.invalidate(); this.raisePropertyChanged("selectedDate"); } }, get_defaultView: function() { /// /// The default view of the calendar when it first pops up. /// return this._defaultView; }, set_defaultView: function(value) { if (this._defaultView != value) { this._defaultView = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("defaultView"); } }, get_visibleDate: function() { /// /// The date currently visible in the calendar /// /// return this._visibleDate; }, set_visibleDate: function(value) { if (value) value = value.getDateOnly(); if (this._visibleDate != value) { this._switchMonth(value, !this._isOpen); this.raisePropertyChanged("visibleDate"); } }, get_isOpen: function() { /// /// Whether the calendar is open /// return this._isOpen; }, get_todaysDate: function() { /// /// The date to use for "Today" /// if (this._todaysDate != null) { return this._todaysDate; } return new Date().getDateOnly(); }, set_todaysDate: function(value) { if (value) value = value.getDateOnly(); if (this._todaysDate != value) { this._todaysDate = value; this.invalidate(); this.raisePropertyChanged("todaysDate"); } }, get_firstDayOfWeek: function() { /// /// The day of the week to appear as the first day in the calendar /// return this._firstDayOfWeek; }, set_firstDayOfWeek: function(value) { if (this._firstDayOfWeek != value) { this._firstDayOfWeek = value; this.invalidate(); this.raisePropertyChanged("firstDayOfWeek"); } }, get_cssClass: function() { /// /// The CSS class selector to use to change the calendar's appearance /// return this._cssClass; }, set_cssClass: function(value) { if (this._cssClass != value) { if (this._cssClass && this.get_isInitialized()) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(this._container, this._cssClass); } this._cssClass = value; if (this._cssClass && this.get_isInitialized()) { Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._container, this._cssClass); } this.raisePropertyChanged("cssClass"); } }, get_todayButton: function() { /// /// The button used to select todays date /// return this._today; }, get_dayCell: function(row, col) { /// /// Gets the day cell at the specified row or column /// if (this._daysBody) { return this._daysBody.rows[row].cells[col].firstChild; } return null; }, add_showing: function(handler) { /// /// Adds an event handler for the showiwng event. /// /// /// The handler to add to the event. /// /// this.get_events().addHandler("showing", handler); }, remove_showing: function(handler) { /// /// Removes an event handler for the showing event. /// /// /// The handler to remove from the event. /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler("showing", handler); }, raiseShowing: function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the showing event /// /// /// Event arguments for the showing event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('showing'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_shown: function(handler) { /// /// Adds an event handler for the shown event. /// /// /// The handler to add to the event. /// /// this.get_events().addHandler("shown", handler); }, remove_shown: function(handler) { /// /// Removes an event handler for the shown event. /// /// /// The handler to remove from the event. /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler("shown", handler); }, raiseShown: function() { /// /// Raise the shown event /// /// var handlers = this.get_events().getHandler("shown"); if (handlers) { handlers(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } }, add_hiding: function(handler) { /// /// Adds an event handler for the hiding event. /// /// /// The handler to add to the event. /// /// this.get_events().addHandler("hiding", handler); }, remove_hiding: function(handler) { /// /// Removes an event handler for the hiding event. /// /// /// The handler to remove from the event. /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler("hiding", handler); }, raiseHiding: function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the hiding event /// /// /// Event arguments for the hiding event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('hiding'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_hidden: function(handler) { /// /// Adds an event handler for the hidden event. /// /// /// The handler to add to the event. /// /// this.get_events().addHandler("hidden", handler); }, remove_hidden: function(handler) { /// /// Removes an event handler for the hidden event. /// /// /// The handler to remove from the event. /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler("hidden", handler); }, raiseHidden: function() { /// /// Raise the hidden event /// /// var handlers = this.get_events().getHandler("hidden"); if (handlers) { handlers(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } }, add_dateSelectionChanged: function(handler) { /// /// Adds an event handler for the dateSelectionChanged event. /// /// /// The handler to add to the event. /// /// this.get_events().addHandler("dateSelectionChanged", handler); }, remove_dateSelectionChanged: function(handler) { /// /// Removes an event handler for the dateSelectionChanged event. /// /// /// The handler to remove from the event. /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler("dateSelectionChanged", handler); }, raiseDateSelectionChanged: function() { /// /// Raise the dateSelectionChanged event /// /// var handlers = this.get_events().getHandler("dateSelectionChanged"); if (handlers) { handlers(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } }, initialize: function() { /// /// Initializes the components and parameters for this behavior /// AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); var elt = this.get_element(); $addHandlers(elt, this._element$delegates); if (this._button) { $addHandlers(this._button, this._button$delegates); } this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation = new AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.LengthAnimation(null, null, null, "style", null, 0, 0, "px"); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation = new AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.LengthAnimation(null, null, null, "style", null, 0, 0, "px"); this._modeChangeAnimation = new AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.ParallelAnimation(null, .25, null, [this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation, this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation]); var value = this.get_selectedDate(); if (value) { this.set_selectedDate(value); } }, dispose: function() { /// /// Disposes this behavior's resources /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.dispose(); this._popupBehavior = null; } this._modes = null; this._modeOrder = null; if (this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation) { this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.dispose(); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation = null; } if (this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation) { this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.dispose(); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation = null; } if (this._modeChangeAnimation) { this._modeChangeAnimation.dispose(); this._modeChangeAnimation = null; } if (this._container) { if (this._container.parentNode) { // added this check before calling removeChild WI: 8486 this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); } this._container = null; } if (this._popupDiv) { $common.removeHandlers(this._popupDiv, this._popup$delegates); this._popupDiv = null; } if (this._prevArrow) { $common.removeHandlers(this._prevArrow, this._cell$delegates); this._prevArrow = null; } if (this._nextArrow) { $common.removeHandlers(this._nextArrow, this._cell$delegates); this._nextArrow = null; } if (this._title) { $common.removeHandlers(this._title, this._cell$delegates); this._title = null; } if (this._today) { $common.removeHandlers(this._today, this._cell$delegates); this._today = null; } if (this._button) { $common.removeHandlers(this._button, this._button$delegates); this._button = null; } if (this._daysBody) { for (var i = 0; i < this._daysBody.rows.length; i++) { var row = this._daysBody.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { $common.removeHandlers(row.cells[j].firstChild, this._cell$delegates); } } this._daysBody = null; } if (this._monthsBody) { for (var i = 0; i < this._monthsBody.rows.length; i++) { var row = this._monthsBody.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { $common.removeHandlers(row.cells[j].firstChild, this._cell$delegates); } } this._monthsBody = null; } if (this._yearsBody) { for (var i = 0; i < this._yearsBody.rows.length; i++) { var row = this._yearsBody.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { $common.removeHandlers(row.cells[j].firstChild, this._cell$delegates); } } this._yearsBody = null; } var elt = this.get_element(); $common.removeHandlers(elt, this._element$delegates); AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose"); }, show: function() { /// /// Shows the calendar /// this._ensureCalendar(); if (!this._isOpen) { var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs(); this.raiseShowing(eventArgs); if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) { return; } this._isOpen = true; this._popupBehavior.show(); if (this._firstPopUp) { this._switchMonth(null, true); switch (this._defaultView) { case AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarDefaultView.Months: this._switchMode("months", true); break; case AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarDefaultView.Years: this._switchMode("years", true); break; } this._firstPopUp = false; } this.raiseShown(); } }, hide: function() { /// /// Hides the calendar /// if (this._isOpen) { var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs(); this.raiseHiding(eventArgs); if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) { return; } if (this._container) { this._popupBehavior.hide(); } this._isOpen = false; this.raiseHidden(); // make sure we clean up the flag due to issues with alert/alt-tab/etc this._popupMouseDown = false; } }, focus: function() { if (this._button) { this._button.focus(); } else { this.get_element().focus(); } }, blur: function(force) { if (!force && Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Opera) { this._blur.post(true); } else { if (!this._popupMouseDown) { this.hide(); } // make sure we clean up the flag due to issues with alert/alt-tab/etc this._popupMouseDown = false; } }, suspendLayout: function() { /// /// Suspends layout of the behavior while setting properties /// this._layoutSuspended++; }, resumeLayout: function() { /// /// Resumes layout of the behavior and performs any pending layout requests /// this._layoutSuspended--; if (this._layoutSuspended <= 0) { this._layoutSuspended = 0; if (this._layoutRequested) { this._performLayout(); } } }, invalidate: function() { /// /// Performs layout of the behavior unless layout is suspended /// if (this._layoutSuspended > 0) { this._layoutRequested = true; } else { this._performLayout(); } }, _buildCalendar: function() { /// /// Builds the calendar's layout /// var elt = this.get_element(); var id = this.get_id(); this._container = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_container" }, cssClasses: [this._cssClass], visible: false }, elt.parentNode); this._popupDiv = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", events: this._popup$delegates, properties: { id: id + "_popupDiv" }, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_container"] }, this._container); }, _buildHeader: function() { /// /// Builds the header for the calendar /// var id = this.get_id(); this._header = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_header" }, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_header"] }, this._popupDiv); var prevArrowWrapper = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div" }, this._header); this._prevArrow = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_prevArrow", mode: "prev" }, events: this._cell$delegates, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_prev"] }, prevArrowWrapper); var nextArrowWrapper = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div" }, this._header); this._nextArrow = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_nextArrow", mode: "next" }, events: this._cell$delegates, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_next"] }, nextArrowWrapper); var titleWrapper = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div" }, this._header); this._title = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_title", mode: "title" }, events: this._cell$delegates, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_title"] }, titleWrapper); }, _buildBody: function() { /// /// Builds the body region for the calendar /// this._body = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: this.get_id() + "_body" }, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_body"] }, this._popupDiv); this._buildDays(); this._buildMonths(); this._buildYears(); }, _buildFooter: function() { /// /// Builds the footer for the calendar /// var todayWrapper = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div" }, this._popupDiv); this._today = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: this.get_id() + "_today", mode: "today" }, events: this._cell$delegates, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_footer", "ajax__calendar_today"] }, todayWrapper); }, _buildDays: function() { /// /// Builds a "days of the month" view for the calendar /// var dtf = Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.dateTimeFormat; var id = this.get_id(); this._days = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_days" }, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_days"] }, this._body); this._modes["days"] = this._days; this._daysTable = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "table", properties: { id: id + "_daysTable", cellPadding: 0, cellSpacing: 0, border: 0, style: { margin: "auto" } } }, this._days); this._daysTableHeader = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "thead", properties: { id: id + "_daysTableHeader"} }, this._daysTable); this._daysTableHeaderRow = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "tr", properties: { id: id + "_daysTableHeaderRow"} }, this._daysTableHeader); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var dayCell = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "td" }, this._daysTableHeaderRow); var dayDiv = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_dayname"] }, dayCell); } this._daysBody = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "tbody", properties: { id: id + "_daysBody"} }, this._daysTable); for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var daysRow = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "tr" }, this._daysBody); for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { var dayCell = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "td" }, daysRow); var dayDiv = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { mode: "day", id: id + "_day_" + i + "_" + j, innerHTML: " " }, events: this._cell$delegates, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_day"] }, dayCell); } } }, _buildMonths: function() { /// /// Builds a "months of the year" view for the calendar /// var dtf = Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.dateTimeFormat; var id = this.get_id(); this._months = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_months" }, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_months"], visible: false }, this._body); this._modes["months"] = this._months; this._monthsTable = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "table", properties: { id: id + "_monthsTable", cellPadding: 0, cellSpacing: 0, border: 0, style: { margin: "auto" } } }, this._months); this._monthsBody = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "tbody", properties: { id: id + "_monthsBody"} }, this._monthsTable); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var monthsRow = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "tr" }, this._monthsBody); for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var monthCell = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "td" }, monthsRow); var monthDiv = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_month_" + i + "_" + j, mode: "month", month: (i * 4) + j, innerHTML: "
" + dtf.AbbreviatedMonthNames[(i * 4) + j] }, events: this._cell$delegates, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_month"] }, monthCell); } } }, _buildYears: function() { /// /// Builds a "years in this decade" view for the calendar /// var id = this.get_id(); this._years = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_years" }, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_years"], visible: false }, this._body); this._modes["years"] = this._years; this._yearsTable = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "table", properties: { id: id + "_yearsTable", cellPadding: 0, cellSpacing: 0, border: 0, style: { margin: "auto" } } }, this._years); this._yearsBody = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "tbody", properties: { id: id + "_yearsBody"} }, this._yearsTable); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var yearsRow = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "tr" }, this._yearsBody); for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var yearCell = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "td" }, yearsRow); var yearDiv = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: id + "_year_" + i + "_" + j, mode: "year", year: ((i * 4) + j) - 1 }, events: this._cell$delegates, cssClasses: ["ajax__calendar_year"] }, yearCell); } } }, _performLayout: function() { /// /// Updates the various views of the calendar to match the current selected and visible dates ///
var elt = this.get_element(); if (!elt) return; if (!this.get_isInitialized()) return; if (!this._isOpen) return; var dtf = Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.dateTimeFormat; var selectedDate = this.get_selectedDate(); var visibleDate = this._getEffectiveVisibleDate(); var todaysDate = this.get_todaysDate(); switch (this._mode) { case "days": var firstDayOfWeek = this._getFirstDayOfWeek(); var daysToBacktrack = visibleDate.getDay() - firstDayOfWeek; if (daysToBacktrack <= 0) daysToBacktrack += 7; var startDate = new Date(visibleDate.getFullYear(), visibleDate.getMonth(), visibleDate.getDate() - daysToBacktrack, this._hourOffsetForDst); var currentDate = startDate; for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var dayCell = this._daysTableHeaderRow.cells[i].firstChild; if (dayCell.firstChild) { dayCell.removeChild(dayCell.firstChild); } dayCell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dtf.ShortestDayNames[(i + firstDayOfWeek) % 7])); } for (var week = 0; week < 6; week++) { var weekRow = this._daysBody.rows[week]; for (var dayOfWeek = 0; dayOfWeek < 7; dayOfWeek++) { var dayCell = weekRow.cells[dayOfWeek].firstChild; if (dayCell.firstChild) { dayCell.removeChild(dayCell.firstChild); } dayCell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(currentDate.getDate())); dayCell.title = currentDate.localeFormat("D"); dayCell.date = currentDate; $common.removeCssClasses(dayCell.parentNode, ["ajax__calendar_other", "ajax__calendar_active"]); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(dayCell.parentNode, this._getCssClass(dayCell.date, 'd')); currentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate() + 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); } } this._prevArrow.date = new Date(visibleDate.getFullYear(), visibleDate.getMonth() - 1, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); this._nextArrow.date = new Date(visibleDate.getFullYear(), visibleDate.getMonth() + 1, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); if (this._title.firstChild) { this._title.removeChild(this._title.firstChild); } this._title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(visibleDate.localeFormat(this.get_daysModeTitleFormat()))); this._title.date = visibleDate; break; case "months": for (var i = 0; i < this._monthsBody.rows.length; i++) { var row = this._monthsBody.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { var cell = row.cells[j].firstChild; cell.date = new Date(visibleDate.getFullYear(), cell.month, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); cell.title = cell.date.localeFormat("Y"); $common.removeCssClasses(cell.parentNode, ["ajax__calendar_other", "ajax__calendar_active"]); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(cell.parentNode, this._getCssClass(cell.date, 'M')); } } if (this._title.firstChild) { this._title.removeChild(this._title.firstChild); } this._title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(visibleDate.localeFormat("yyyy"))); this._title.date = visibleDate; this._prevArrow.date = new Date(visibleDate.getFullYear() - 1, 0, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); this._nextArrow.date = new Date(visibleDate.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); break; case "years": var minYear = (Math.floor(visibleDate.getFullYear() / 10) * 10); for (var i = 0; i < this._yearsBody.rows.length; i++) { var row = this._yearsBody.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { var cell = row.cells[j].firstChild; cell.date = new Date(minYear + cell.year, 0, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); if (cell.firstChild) { cell.removeChild(cell.lastChild); } else { cell.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(minYear + cell.year)); $common.removeCssClasses(cell.parentNode, ["ajax__calendar_other", "ajax__calendar_active"]); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(cell.parentNode, this._getCssClass(cell.date, 'y')); } } if (this._title.firstChild) { this._title.removeChild(this._title.firstChild); } this._title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(minYear.toString() + "-" + (minYear + 9).toString())); this._title.date = visibleDate; this._prevArrow.date = new Date(minYear - 10, 0, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); this._nextArrow.date = new Date(minYear + 10, 0, 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); break; } if (this._today.firstChild) { this._today.removeChild(this._today.firstChild); } this._today.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String.format(AjaxControlToolkit.Resources.Calendar_Today, todaysDate.localeFormat(this.get_todaysDateFormat())))); this._today.date = todaysDate; }, _ensureCalendar: function() { if (!this._container) { var elt = this.get_element(); this._buildCalendar(); this._buildHeader(); this._buildBody(); this._buildFooter(); this._popupBehavior = new $create(AjaxControlToolkit.PopupBehavior, { parentElement: elt }, {}, {}, this._container); if (this._popupPosition == AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.TopLeft) { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(AjaxControlToolkit.PositioningMode.TopLeft); } else if (this._popupPosition == AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.TopRight) { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(AjaxControlToolkit.PositioningMode.TopRight); } else if (this._popupPosition == AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.BottomRight) { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(AjaxControlToolkit.PositioningMode.BottomRight); } else if (this._popupPosition == AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.Right) { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(AjaxControlToolkit.PositioningMode.Right); } else if (this._popupPosition == AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.Left) { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(AjaxControlToolkit.PositioningMode.Left); } else { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(AjaxControlToolkit.PositioningMode.BottomLeft); } } }, _fireChanged: function() { /// /// Attempts to fire the change event on the attached textbox /// var elt = this.get_element(); if (document.createEventObject) { elt.fireEvent("onchange"); } else if (document.createEvent) { var e = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); e.initEvent("change", true, true); elt.dispatchEvent(e); } }, _switchMonth: function(date, dontAnimate) { /// /// Switches the visible month in the days view /// /// The visible date to switch to /// Prevents animation from occuring if the control is animated // Check _isAnimating to make sure we don't animate horizontally and vertically at the same time if (this._isAnimating) { return; } var visibleDate = this._getEffectiveVisibleDate(); if ((date && date.getFullYear() == visibleDate.getFullYear() && date.getMonth() == visibleDate.getMonth())) { dontAnimate = true; } if (this._animated && !dontAnimate) { this._isAnimating = true; var newElement = this._modes[this._mode]; var oldElement = newElement.cloneNode(true); this._body.appendChild(oldElement); if (visibleDate > date) { // animating down // the newIndex element is the top // the oldIndex element is the bottom (visible) // move in, fade in $common.setLocation(newElement, { x: -162, y: 0 }); $common.setVisible(newElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_propertyKey("left"); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_target(newElement); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_startValue(-this._width); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_endValue(0); // move out, fade out $common.setLocation(oldElement, { x: 0, y: 0 }); $common.setVisible(oldElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_propertyKey("left"); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_target(oldElement); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_startValue(0); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_endValue(this._width); } else { // animating up // the oldIndex element is the top (visible) // the newIndex element is the bottom // move out, fade out $common.setLocation(oldElement, { x: 0, y: 0 }); $common.setVisible(oldElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_propertyKey("left"); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_target(oldElement); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_endValue(-this._width); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_startValue(0); // move in, fade in $common.setLocation(newElement, { x: 162, y: 0 }); $common.setVisible(newElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_propertyKey("left"); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_target(newElement); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_endValue(0); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_startValue(this._width); } this._visibleDate = date; this.invalidate(); var endHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, function() { this._body.removeChild(oldElement); oldElement = null; this._isAnimating = false; this._modeChangeAnimation.remove_ended(endHandler); }); this._modeChangeAnimation.add_ended(endHandler); this._modeChangeAnimation.play(); } else { this._visibleDate = date; this.invalidate(); } }, _switchMode: function(mode, dontAnimate) { /// /// Switches the visible view from "days" to "months" to "years" /// /// The view mode to switch to /// Prevents animation from occuring if the control is animated // Check _isAnimating to make sure we don't animate horizontally and vertically at the same time if (this._isAnimating || (this._mode == mode)) { return; } var moveDown = this._modeOrder[this._mode] < this._modeOrder[mode]; var oldElement = this._modes[this._mode]; var newElement = this._modes[mode]; this._mode = mode; if (this._animated && !dontAnimate) { this._isAnimating = true; this.invalidate(); if (moveDown) { // animating down // the newIndex element is the top // the oldIndex element is the bottom (visible) // move in, fade in $common.setLocation(newElement, { x: 0, y: -this._height }); $common.setVisible(newElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_propertyKey("top"); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_target(newElement); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_startValue(-this._height); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_endValue(0); // move out, fade out $common.setLocation(oldElement, { x: 0, y: 0 }); $common.setVisible(oldElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_propertyKey("top"); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_target(oldElement); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_startValue(0); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_endValue(this._height); } else { // animating up // the oldIndex element is the top (visible) // the newIndex element is the bottom // move out, fade out $common.setLocation(oldElement, { x: 0, y: 0 }); $common.setVisible(oldElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_propertyKey("top"); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_target(oldElement); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_endValue(-this._height); this._modeChangeMoveTopOrLeftAnimation.set_startValue(0); // move in, fade in $common.setLocation(newElement, { x: 0, y: 139 }); $common.setVisible(newElement, true); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_propertyKey("top"); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_target(newElement); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_endValue(0); this._modeChangeMoveBottomOrRightAnimation.set_startValue(this._height); } var endHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, function() { this._isAnimating = false; this._modeChangeAnimation.remove_ended(endHandler); }); this._modeChangeAnimation.add_ended(endHandler); this._modeChangeAnimation.play(); } else { this._mode = mode; $common.setVisible(oldElement, false); this.invalidate(); $common.setVisible(newElement, true); $common.setLocation(newElement, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } }, _isSelected: function(date, part) { /// /// Gets whether the supplied date is the currently selected date /// /// The date to match /// The most significant part of the date to test /// var value = this.get_selectedDate(); if (!value) return false; switch (part) { case 'd': if (date.getDate() != value.getDate()) return false; // goto case 'M'; case 'M': if (date.getMonth() != value.getMonth()) return false; // goto case 'y'; case 'y': if (date.getFullYear() != value.getFullYear()) return false; break; } return true; }, _isOther: function(date, part) { /// /// Gets whether the supplied date is in a different view from the current visible month /// /// The date to match /// The most significant part of the date to test /// var value = this._getEffectiveVisibleDate(); switch (part) { case 'd': return (date.getFullYear() != value.getFullYear() || date.getMonth() != value.getMonth()); case 'M': return false; case 'y': var minYear = (Math.floor(value.getFullYear() / 10) * 10); return date.getFullYear() < minYear || (minYear + 10) <= date.getFullYear(); } return false; }, _getCssClass: function(date, part) { /// /// Gets the cssClass to apply to a cell based on a supplied date /// /// The date to match /// The most significant part of the date to test /// if (this._isSelected(date, part)) { return "ajax__calendar_active"; } else if (this._isOther(date, part)) { return "ajax__calendar_other"; } else { return ""; } }, _getEffectiveVisibleDate: function() { var value = this.get_visibleDate(); if (value == null) value = this.get_selectedDate(); if (value == null) value = this.get_todaysDate(); return new Date(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), 1, this._hourOffsetForDst); }, _getFirstDayOfWeek: function() { /// /// Gets the first day of the week /// if (this.get_firstDayOfWeek() != AjaxControlToolkit.FirstDayOfWeek.Default) { return this.get_firstDayOfWeek(); } return Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.dateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek; }, _parseTextValue: function(text) { /// /// Converts a text value from the textbox into a date /// /// The text value to parse /// var value = null; if (text) { value = Date.parseLocale(text, this.get_format()); } if (isNaN(value)) { value = null; } return value; }, _element_onfocus: function(e) { /// /// Handles the focus event of the element /// /// The arguments for the event if (!this._enabled) return; if (!this._button) { this.show(); // make sure we clean up the flag due to issues with alert/alt-tab/etc this._popupMouseDown = false; } }, _element_onblur: function(e) { /// /// Handles the blur event of the element /// /// The arguments for the event if (!this._enabled) return; if (!this._button) { this.blur(); } }, _element_onchange: function(e) { /// /// Handles the change event of the element /// /// The arguments for the event if (!this._selectedDateChanging) { var value = this._parseTextValue(this._textbox.get_Value()); if (value) value = value.getDateOnly(); this._selectedDate = value; if (this._isOpen) { this._switchMonth(this._selectedDate, this._selectedDate == null); } } }, _element_onkeypress: function(e) { /// /// Handles the keypress event of the element /// /// The arguments for the event if (!this._enabled) return; if (!this._button && e.charCode == Sys.UI.Key.esc) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); } }, _element_onclick: function(e) { /// /// Handles the click event of the element /// /// The arguments for the event if (!this._enabled) return; if (!this._button) { this.show(); // make sure we clean up the flag due to issues with alert/alt-tab/etc this._popupMouseDown = false; } }, _popup_onevent: function(e) { /// /// Handles the drag-start event of the popup calendar /// /// The arguments for the event e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, _popup_onmousedown: function(e) { /// /// Handles the mousedown event of the popup /// /// The arguments for the event // signal that the popup has received a mousedown event, this handles // onblur issues on browsers like FF, OP, and SF this._popupMouseDown = true; }, _popup_onmouseup: function(e) { /// /// Handles the mouseup event of the popup /// /// The arguments for the event // signal that the popup has received a mouseup event, this handles // onblur issues on browsers like FF, OP, and SF if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Opera && this._blur.get_isPending()) { this._blur.cancel(); } this._popupMouseDown = false; this.focus(); }, _cell_onmouseover: function(e) { /// /// Handles the mouseover event of a cell /// /// The arguments for the event e.stopPropagation(); if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari) { // Safari doesn't reliably call _cell_onmouseout, so clear other cells here to keep the UI correct for (var i = 0; i < this._daysBody.rows.length; i++) { var row = this._daysBody.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(row.cells[j].firstChild.parentNode, "ajax__calendar_hover"); } } } var target = e.target; Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(target.parentNode, "ajax__calendar_hover"); }, _cell_onmouseout: function(e) { /// /// Handles the mouseout event of a cell /// /// The arguments for the event e.stopPropagation(); var target = e.target; Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(target.parentNode, "ajax__calendar_hover"); }, _cell_onclick: function(e) { /// /// Handles the click event of a cell /// /// The arguments for the event e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (!this._enabled) return; var target = e.target; var visibleDate = this._getEffectiveVisibleDate(); Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(target.parentNode, "ajax__calendar_hover"); switch (target.mode) { case "prev": case "next": this._switchMonth(target.date); break; case "title": switch (this._mode) { case "days": this._switchMode("months"); break; case "months": this._switchMode("years"); break; } break; case "month": if (target.month == visibleDate.getMonth()) { this._switchMode("days"); } else { this._visibleDate = target.date; this._switchMode("days"); } break; case "year": if (target.date.getFullYear() == visibleDate.getFullYear()) { this._switchMode("months"); } else { this._visibleDate = target.date; this._switchMode("months"); } break; case "day": this.set_selectedDate(target.date); this._switchMonth(target.date); this._blur.post(true); this.raiseDateSelectionChanged(); break; case "today": this.set_selectedDate(target.date); this._switchMonth(target.date); this._blur.post(true); this.raiseDateSelectionChanged(); break; } }, _button_onclick: function(e) { /// /// Handles the click event of the asociated button /// /// The arguments for the event e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (!this._enabled) return; if (!this._isOpen) { this.show(); } else { this.hide(); } this.focus(); // make sure we clean up the flag due to issues with alert/alt-tab/etc this._popupMouseDown = false; }, _button_onblur: function(e) { /// /// Handles the blur event of the button /// /// The arguments for the event if (!this._enabled) return; if (!this._popupMouseDown) { this.hide(); } // make sure we clean up the flag due to issues with alert/alt-tab/etc this._popupMouseDown = false; }, _button_onkeypress: function(e) { /// /// Handles the keypress event of the element /// /// The arguments for the event if (!this._enabled) return; if (e.charCode == Sys.UI.Key.esc) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); } // make sure we clean up the flag due to issues with alert/alt-tab/etc this._popupMouseDown = false; } } AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior.registerClass("AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior", AjaxControlToolkit.BehaviorBase); AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition = function() { /// /// Position of the popup relative to the target control /// /// /// /// /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.prototype = { BottomLeft: 0, BottomRight: 1, TopLeft: 2, TopRight: 3, Right: 4, Left: 5 } AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition.registerEnum('AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarPosition'); AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarDefaultView = function() { /// /// Choices for default view of the calendar when it first pops up. /// /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarDefaultView.prototype = { Days: 0, Months: 1, Years: 2 } AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarDefaultView.registerEnum('AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarDefaultView');