Treasure House

We have a library which can aptly be called as a “Treasure House” of books. Apart from a large number of books on various subjects, there are invaluable reference books which can be consulted in the library itself. There is a wonderful and envious collection of Reference books, Fiction, G.K. books, Encyclopedias, Science manual educational reports and reviews, which enrich the young minds and add to the knowledge of the teaching faculty.A good number of newspapers, national and international magazines and journals are subscribed for the benefit of the students. Books that are a visual delight to the young minds and the sufficient number of CDs which unfold the world, are within the reach of the students. A qualified librarian helps students to select the books and creates an interest among students for reading. The library work is totally computerized.

A library is an important source of knowledge to young minds. The school boasts well-equipped libraries with books on various topics including, Encyclopaedia, Medical science books, Fiction novels, Daily newspapers, Reference books, and several periodicals.

All students have easy accessibility to the books as we have an open shelf system. We also have separate reading rooms for senior and junior students and new books are added from time to time.

We prefer books from multiple majors that includes drama, poetry, prose, refrence books, science and technology, magazines, stories, essays, novels, art and crafts. We provide a no noise zone for our library.


Following are some rules of the library to be followed by every student who wants to join the library in Gurukripa Public School.


The library is meant to be a quiet place for study and reading. And common silence has to be maintained in a library. One should keep his/her voice low. Please keep your voices low. Treat everyone respectfully. Do not disturb others. Use appropriate voice and behavior.


Always carry your stationery items of your own.

The library has an open shelf system; books are already arranged neatly for the convenience of all users. Students must not place books haphazardly on the shelves or tables. Put the books back on the shelf properly and tuck in the chairs. Do not leave your notebooks.


There are no beverages, food, or gum allowed in the library at any time. Eating and drinking are completely prohibited in the library.


  • Students are not allowed to bring their personal books, school bags, or belongings to the library.
  • The borrower’s ticket is not transferable. Issue books only against your own borrower’s ticket.
  • During class time, students may only come into the library with a pass from their teacher.
  • Always check the due date. Others need to use the book. If the book is not returned on or before the due date, a late fee of Rs. 1/day for a book is charged.
  • Be a conscientious reader and enjoy the benefits of an excellent school library.